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Sunset shadow tree in Tupelo, MS

Sunset shadow tree in Tupelo, MS

The cold, harsh weather of February makes me long for the warmth of the afternoon summer sun on my face.  I love the long beautiful shadows cast by the afternoon sun, especially the intricate shadow trees that adorn the sides of buildings.  The flu had me down for the month of January, so I’m using this photograph to help me remember healthier, warmer times.

In my mother’s garden, curious yet amazing papyrus plants grow in the water of her pond.  These are the same papyrus plants that old pharoah grew, rather his enslaved people grew, along the banks and in the marshes of the Nile.  Papyrus was used to make paper and as a substitute for wood which was scarce.  In addition to it’s pragmatic uses, the papyrus is very beautiful.  Its bright green needles have tiny starbursts at the ends.  I love the way they look when the sun lights them from behind in the morning.

Papyrus reaches for the sun

Papyrus reaches for the sun


Papyrus plant grows in the pond

Papyrus plant grows in the pond


Papyrus needles with sunburst

Papyrus needles with sunburst


Papyrus against pond shimmers

Papyrus against pond shimmers


Papyrus sunbursts

Papyrus sunbursts


Papyrus over lily pad

Papyrus over lily pad

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